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Can You Cancel Movers? Things You Should Know

Yes, you can cancel movers. Most moving companies have a cancellation policy that outlines the terms and conditions for canceling a move.

It’s not uncommon to have to alter your moving date, switch companies, or cancel when moving, regardless of whether you’re relocating across the nation or just down the block. 27.1 million Americans migrated in 2021, or 8.4%, according to the US Census Bureau.

when you cancel movers 1

But how can you do so without forfeiting your first payment or incurring further costs?  Let’s get insights from our blog today on canceling movers and the things to keep in mind in such situations.

How to Cancel Movers and Get Your Deposit Back

It sounds like a hassle, but trust me, it’s not as complicated as you think. 

You just need to follow these simple steps and be good to go!

Contact Movers as Early as Possible

This is the most important thing you can do to avoid any problems or fees. The sooner you let them know you want to cancel, the better. 

They might be able to reschedule your move or find another customer for your slot. Plus, my experience says that they’ll appreciate your honesty and cooperation.

Be Clear About Your Reasons

Don’t beat around the bush or makeup excuses. Just tell them why you decided to cancel your move. 

Maybe you found a better deal, maybe you changed your mind, or maybe you had an emergency. Whatever the reason, be upfront and respectful.

Read Cancellation Policy

Before signing any contract with a moving company, carefully read moving company’s cancellation policy. It should state how much notice they require, what fees they charge, and what conditions apply. 

Some companies may have a grace period or a cancellation fee waiver for specific situations. Others may charge a percentage of the total cost or a flat fee.

Review Your Rights Before You Cancel When Moving

As a consumer, you have certain rights when canceling a service contract. 

For example, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), you can cancel a contract within three days of signing if it was made at your home or a location not the seller’s permanent place of business. 

You also have the right to dispute any unauthorized or fraudulent charges on your credit card or bank account. Know if you need to help movers while loading and unloading.


If you can’t cancel when moving without paying a fee, try to negotiate with the moving company. Explain your situation and ask them if they can lower or waive the fee. 

You might be surprised by their flexibility, especially if you’re polite and reasonable. Remember, they want to keep you as a customer and avoid bad reviews.

Send A Written Cancellation Letter

Once you agree with the moving company cancellation policy, send them a letter confirming your decision. 

Include your name, phone number, email address, moving date, confirmation number, and reason for canceling. 

Keep a copy of the letter for your records and send it by certified mail with the return receipt requested.

Ask About Deposit Refunds

Depending on the moving company’s policy, you may or may not get your moving company deposit back after canceling your move. 

Some companies may refund it in whole or in part, while others may keep it as compensation for their loss of business. Ask them how long it will take to process your refund and how they will send it to you.

Moving companies fooled 40% of clients. One of my neighbors cancelled a move six months back and still she haven’t got the refund deposits. So, it is wise to be careful!

Dispute Charges

If you notice any unauthorized or incorrect charges on your credit card or bank account after canceling your move, don’t hesitate to dispute them with your bank or card issuer. 

You can challenge any charges you didn’t authorize or agree to pay. Keep all the evidence of your cancellation and contact the moving company if necessary.

How much will it cost you to cancel a moving contract?

The moving cancellation fee is usually 25%–50% of the moving cost. Moving is stressful and exhilarating, but sometimes things go wrong. You changed your mind, found a better bargain, or had an emergency.

Cancellation fees vary by moving company. Some charge a fixed price, some a percentage of the total, and some nothing. Read your contract and call your movers as soon as possible to find out.

Canceling a moving contract depends on various things, including:

some things to consider while cancelling moving contract

How Far in Advance You Cancel

The sooner you cancel when moving, the less likely you will have to pay a fee. Some companies may have a grace period of 24-48 hours, while others may require a notice of several days or weeks.

How Busy the Moving Season Is

If you cancel during peak season (usually summer or holidays), you may have to pay more than during the off-season. 

This is because the movers may have turned down other customers to reserve your spot, and they may not be able to fill it again.

How Much Work the Movers Have Already Done

If the movers have packed your belongings, loaded them on the truck, or driven them to your destination, you may have to pay for their time and labor. 

You may only have to pay a small administrative fee if they haven’t started yet.

The Bottom Line

Canceling movers is not impossible, but it may cost you money and hassle. 

To avoid this situation, make sure you do your research before hiring a mover, compare prices and reviews, and read the moving company contract carefully. 

And if you do need to cancel, be polite and respectful, and try to negotiate a fair deal. Packing services cost $60–$80 nationally. So negotiate fairly.

People Also Asked

Can you get deposit back from movers?

Yes, but not the total amount. This depends on your contract, the moving company’s cancellation policy, and your reason. 

Canceling your move more than 48 hours before the appointed date may result in a partial or full deposit refund. If you cancel within 48 hours of the move, you may lose your moving company deposit or have to pay the full price. Some movers impose cancellation or rescheduling fees. Before hiring a mover, read your contract and understand your agreement. Ask the moving firm any questions you have.

Canceling movers is not always simple or inexpensive, but it is possible if you understand your legal standing and options. If you put in the time and effort upfront to find a trustworthy and affordable moving company, you can avoid canceling at the last minute. Know if you can get paid if movers are late.

Brandon Pollard

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