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Can I Move Plants with Professional Movers?

No, professional movers don’t move plants. You need plant movers.

Plants are too fragile to move by most professional movers. Plants need special care and can easily be damaged or killed during moving. 

Rarely specialty movers can move plants. In this guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of relocating your beloved plants and the reasons why it may not be ideal to hire expert movers. To make sure your green friends do well during the move, we’ll also discuss some alternate approaches and expert tips.

Why Movers Don’t Transport Plants

Plants are fragile. Move-related bumps, vibrations, and pressure shifts can damage them. 

Imagine the heartbreak of seeing your gorgeous orchids or succulents crushed or wilted after the relocation.

Second, movers avoid plant damage liabilities.

Plants are not insured. The movers won’t pay for plant damage. Movers don’t want upset clients who blame them for destroying their plants.

Third, plant loading and unloading take time.

Packing plants is difficult. Avoid crushing or spilling them with extreme care. They should be loaded last and emptied first to reduce transport time. More labor and time for the movers implies more prices for you.

Finally, vehicles cannot provide plants with enough temperature, light, humidity, or ventilation.

Plants are susceptible to heat, cold, darkness, and air during travel. Extreme circumstances can kill plants.

These are why you will make you feel you need specialized plant movers.

How can you move plants with expert plant movers?

Tree relocation costs vary according to size, age, accessibility, and location. Long-distance plant moves might cost $10,000 or more, starting at $400.

There are your choices.

  • Ask your movers whether they have plant transportation services. 
    Some movers may transport plants for a fee or a waiver.
  • Hire a plant-moving company. 
    Some firms can safely transport plants across vast distances.
  • Donate plants to friends, family, neighbors, or local organizations.
    Avoid moving them and make someone delighted with your green presents this way.
  • You can drive your plants. 
    This is perfect if you have enough automobile room and a short trip.

Before moving, prepare your plants. Water, prune, eradicate pests and diseases, then put them securely in boxes or containers with air holes.

Alternatives for Moving Plants

Plants may brighten a room but are delicate and sensitive to temperature, light, and humidity. 66% of American households own at least one houseplant. 

That’s why professional plant movers aren’t always optimal. Some movers refuse to transport plants or charge extra.

Here are some plant-moving ideas.

some alternatives are portrayed if you cannot take plants along with you

Move plants by yourself

Pack your plants in cardboard boxes, plastic bags, newspaper, or bubble wrap to avoid spills and damage. 

As a dedicated plant enthusiast, I’ve faced my fair share of trials and tribulations when it comes to moving my green companions.One memorable experience was when I had to relocate a cherished collection of orchids across state lines. I found it not so easy!

Moving plants by yourself can be time-consuming, stressful, and dangerous, especially if you have a long-distance relocation or many plants.

Give plants to friends or neighbors

Ask friends, relatives, and neighbors to adopt or swap your plants. 

This avoids shifting plants and makes someone pleased. Check your plants occasionally.

Donate plants

Donate your plants to a charity, school, hospital, nursing home, or community garden if you don’t have somebody to give them to. 

Many places might use your plants for educational, medicinal, or environmental objectives. You can donate and get a tax deduction.

Leave plants behind for new renters

Leave your plants for your old home’s new owners or renters. This might demonstrate your gratitude and friendliness.

Not moving plants saves money and space. Before abandoning your plants, obtain permission and make sure the new tenants can care for them. When my uncle moved out, he was so upset to leave his lovely plants behind. I have seen that the deep bond between plant enthusiasts and their green friends are sweet and real. Luckily the new tenants were also plant lovers!

As seen, relocating plants has various options. Moving plants with professionals is not the only option. Interestingly, 7 in 10 millennials call themselves plant parents.

Choose the one that fits your needs, budget, and preferences. Whatever you do, say farewell to your plants and thank them for their delight.

Preparing Plants for a Move by Yourself

Having moved dozens of plant species successfully, I’ll walk you through the preperation tips I followed to prepare my plants for a safe journey. These techniques have proven invaluable over the years. So here are the plans for plants to survive the trip and thrive in their new home.

Move your plants during the spring or fall

These seasons are ideal for moving plants. 

Moving plants in winter or summer might cause frostbite or heatstroke.

Mark the boxes “Plants” and “Fragile”

This will assist you and your movers in recognizing crates with fragile plants and handling them carefully. 

Don’t let truck contents smash your plants. Companies that ship plants will be more cooperative if you help them mark like this.

Move your plants last

Pack and load your plants last.

This reduces stress and box time. Keep an eye on them and avoid severe temperatures and direct sunlight.

Gradually expose indoor plants to less light

A few weeks before the relocation, start acclimating low-light indoor plants.

This will help them acclimate to your new home’s illumination and minimize wilting and leaf drop. Move them away from windows or use drapes or blinds to decrease light.

Water appropriately before moving day 

Water your plants generally until a few days before moving, then cut back.

This prevents water leaks during the relocation. You don’t want soggy or moldy boxes, do you?

Pack plants securely in boxes with ventilation

Use robust cardboard boxes that can hold your plants without cracking. The average household spends $608.54 per year on gardening goods. So why not spend some bucks on plant security?

Use plastic pots or bubble wrap, or newspaper to prevent breakage. Leave air holes in the boxes to prevent suffocating. Use packing peanuts, shredded paper, or towels to cushion your plants.

Transport in climate-controlled areas of vehicle

Store your plants in the car’s passenger seat or trunk to control temperature and ventilation.

Avoid putting them in the back of a truck or van, exposing them to extreme heat, cold, wind, or exhaust fumes. They can overheat or freeze in a parked automobile. These things are well maintained by a plant moving company.

Unpack and water plants immediately upon arrival

Rehydrating and recovering from the relocation will assist.

Treat any damage or disease you find.

Place your plants in a shady spot in your new home

Sunburned or scorched plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight right away.

Instead, keep them in the shade for a few days and gradually increase the light as they adjust. Monitor their growth and health and alter their watering and fertilizer routine.

Specialty Plant Moving Companies

Like me, you probably wish to move with your plants. How to accomplish that securely and efficiently? You need a plant moving company to make it easy.

Hire a plant movement specialist

These are the companies that ship plants using specialized equipment and expertise.

They manage delicate, huge, and exotic plants. They will carefully pack your plants in climate-controlled vans. They will unload and arrange your plants at your new house.

But specialty plant movers are pricey

You may spend more than a standard moving company.

It depends on the size and number of your plants, the distance of your move, and the company’s availability. You may need to research and prepare to find a specialized plant-moving business in your area.

My experience says that don’t panic without thinking. You should proceed yourself first. If you find it so difficult that you feel you may damage the plants, I guess that is the moment when you should hire plant movers, otherwise you are enough for yourself!

Is it worthwhile?

That depends on how much you respect your plants and your budget.

Hiring companies that ship plants may be a good idea if you have rare or expensive plants that are hard to replace or a huge, tough plant collection to move. 

You may want to examine other possibilities if you have typical or low-maintenance plants that are easy to find and care for, a restricted budget, or a short distance to move.

Most importantly, moving your plants manually or leaving them alone are the safest solutions. Professional movers may not know how to manage your plants. If they do, they may charge a lot for their services. You may not be able to afford or find a specialty plant mover.

I suggest packing your plants securely and transporting them in your vehicle or giving them to a friend, neighbor, or local plant lover. Thus, you can avoid moving stress and plant loss. Know more about if movers are covered in relocation expenses or not?

Brandon Pollard

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