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Are Renters Responsible for Damage from Movers?

Renters may ask who pays for movers’ damage when they move out. And the answer is, No! Renters aren’t responsible for damage from movers

Repairs and security deposits can add to the stress of moving. According to the latest moving data, renters move more often than homeowners and have more trouble avoiding damage from movers. Owners move 36.3% more than renters. 44.2 million households rent their homes. Finding a responsible moving company is tough as they’re always high in demand.

Understanding Liability in a Moving Situation

One of the first things you need to know if movers responsible for damage during a move. Liability determines who pays for damaged goods. Damagers are usually responsible. There are exceptions, though.

General Rule

You may pay for damage you inflict. If you drop your TV on the moving truck, you must pay for a new one. If your movers incur damage, they must restore or replace it. It is crucial to choose trustworthy, insured movers to cover any damage they create during the move. If your moving company damaged property of your landlord, they’ll be responsible to pay for it.


‌There are exceptions to the general guidelines of responsibility. If a storm, fire, or earthquake causes damage, neither you nor your movers are responsible. Renters or homeowners insurance must cover the harm in this instance. Another exception applies if your landlord or their agents, maintenance staff, or contractors cause the damage. If so, your landlord must repair or replace your possessions.

What are the different types of damage that can occur during a move?

four types of damage shown during a move

You must hire safe responsible movers. Now that you know who’s responsible for moving damage, let’s look at the sorts of damage and how to prevent them with a responsible moving company.

Broken Furniture

Broken furniture is a regular moving damage. This can happen if your furniture is not boxed, wrapped, or secured in the moving vehicle. Prevent this damage by:

  • Beds, tables, and sofas should be disassembled.
  • Protect mirrors, glass tables, and antiques with bubble wrap, blankets, or furniture padding.
  • Secure your furniture in the moving truck with straps, ropes, or bungee cords to avoid shifting or falling.
  • Label and store parts, hardware boxes, and bags alongside the furniture pieces.

Chipped Dishes

Chipped dishes are another frequent moving damage. This can happen if your dishes are improperly packed, padded, or stacked in moving boxes. Prevent this damage by:

  • Using dish-packing solid boxes.
  • Wrap each dish in bubble wrap, paper, or foam.
  • Top and bottom of each box with crumpled paper or foam peanuts.
  • Fill holes with paper or foam peanuts and stack dishes vertically in cartons.
  • Handle boxes marked “Fragile” and “This Side Up” carefully.

Torn Clothing

Moving can also tear clothing. This can happen if your clothes are improperly packed, folded, or hung in moving boxes or bags. Prevent this damage by:

  • Using wardrobe boxes with metal bars to hang clothes.
  • Fold and pack your clothes in plastic bags or suitcases.
  • Allow air circulation by not overpacking boxes or bags.
  • Label boxes and bags with contents and room.

Lost or Stolen Items

Lost or stolen items are another typical moving damage. This can happen if your products are not tagged, inventoried, or recorded during the move. Prevent this damage by:

  • Listing everything and its approximate value before packing.
  • Number and briefly describe each package or bag.
  • During the relocation, carry your list and labels.
  • Checkboxes and bags as you load and unload the moving truck.
  • Report missing or damaged things to your movers or landlord immediately.

Factors Influencing Renter Liability

Renters’ liability for movers’ damage depends on numerous circumstances. Instead of holding movers responsible for damage, let’s explorer how these factors affect your situation.

Who hired the movers?

Brokerage services connect you with movers but do not relocate you. They connect you to movers.

You can choose the movers and their contract if you hire them directly. Before hiring, examine their reviews, credentials, and insurance. Negotiate the contract to add clauses that protect you against their damage.

You have less control over the movers and their brokerage service contracts if you employ a brokerage service. You may not know their history, reputation, or insurance coverage. The movers’ and brokerage service’s contract may limit or waive their liability for damage.

Contract Agreements with Moving Companies

If you hired the moving firm directly or through a brokerage service, read your contract. The moving contract explains both parties’ rights and responsibilities. It must state:

  • Movers’ services
  • Price and payment
  • Insurance limits
  • Hold harmless and liability waivers

Liability releases and hold harmless agreements lessen movers’ liability for damage. You sign a liability waiver to release the movers from harm or loss. You indemnify (pay for) any move-related damage or loss using a hold harmless clause.

State laws determine how these terms are expressed and their legal effects. Several states may not enforce unfair, unconscionable, or against public policy conditions. Some state demand explicit, conspicuous, and voluntary terms. Be sure if your moving company damaged property, then they’ll be ready to pay.

Impact of Lease Agreements

Your lease agreement with your landlord or property manager is the last consideration. The lease agreement details both parties’ rights and responsibilities. It must state:

  • Lease duration and conditions
  • Rent amount and payment methods
  • Security deposit and refund policy
  • Maintenance and repair requirements
  • Relocation or property damage clauses

Some leases require you to notify your landlord or property manager before moving in or out. They may also compel you to pay for damage caused by you, guests, or movers. They may also reduce or waive your landlord’s liability for harm caused by them or their representatives, like maintenance personnel.

Who is responsible for paying for damage caused by movers?

If you hire them, they pay for repair. If you have insurance, you can file a claim. If you hire movers through a brokerage, you may have to pay for damages yourself.

It depends on who hired the movers, their contract, your landlord’s lease, and each party’s insurance coverage.

Mover’s Insurance

If the movers have moving insurance, you can file a claim. You may have to sue the movers if they don’t have insurance or enough insurance.

If you hired the movers directly and they have a contract holding them responsible for damage, they should pay for repairs. 

If you used a brokerage service and their contract waives their liability for mover damage, you may have to pay for repairs. Your lease may require you to pay for damage caused by guests, including movers. If movers responsible for damage then it may cover by their policies.

Filing A Claim

Follow these steps to file a renters or movers insurance claim.

Record Damage

Photograph and film the damage immediately. List damaged objects and their approximate worth. Get a documented quotation from a reliable contractor or repair provider for the damage.

Inform the Insurer 

Contact your renters or movers’ insurance immediately. Provide damage documentation and any requested information. Follow their claim filing and document submission instructions.

Help the Adjuster

An insurance adjuster will investigate your claim and decide your payout. The adjuster may assess the damage, interview you and the movers, and study the contract and lease. Help the adjuster with any more information.

Settlement Negotiations

Your claim will determine the adjuster’s offer. Accept or decline the offer. If you decline, you might negotiate more or dispute their conclusions. A public adjuster or attorney can represent your interests.

Get Paid

The insurance company will send a cheque if you settle. Repair or replace broken items with the money.

Suing the Movers

If you sue the movers in court, follow these steps.

Get Proof

Gather photos and videos of the damage, receipts, invoices for your things and repairs, copies of the contract and lease agreements, witness statements, and more.


Find the court having jurisdiction and file a complaint. Your lawsuit against the movers and the relief you want are legal documents. Pay a filing fee and serve the movers with the lawsuit.

Answer Moves

Movers may submit motions to dismiss your case for lack of jurisdiction, the statute of limitations, failure to articulate a claim, etc. Respond to these motions and argue for your complaint.


Discovery involves parties exchanging case information and evidence. Interrogatories, papers, and depositions may be required.


If your case isn’t settled or concluded by summary judgment (a judge’s decision based on the evidence), it will go to trial before a judge or jury. Present your evidence and arguments, cross-examine witnesses, express objections, etc.

Get the Verdict

The judge or jury will determine liability and compensation. The court will record and enforce the verdict.

Appeal if Needed

If you disagree with the judgment, you can appeal to a higher court and ask them to review it for flaws.

Seeking Reimbursement for Damages

If your movers responsible for damage your rental home or goods, you may ask who will pay. Contact the relocation company and movers insurance provider immediately. Photograph and write down the damage. Depending on the situation, you may need to sue both parties.

Contact Both Parties

Most reliable moving firms have liability insurance that covers property damage up to a particular amount. If you have valuable or fragile things, this may not cover the whole cost of repair or replacement. It may be challenging to establish whether the movers were careless or caused harm.

Your renter’s insurance may cover movers’ damage depending on your coverage and deductible. Claiming may affect your premiums or future coverage. Check your lease to see if you are responsible for rental property damage, regardless of who caused it.

Seek Legal Advocacy

You may have to sue if neither party reimburses you or refuses to pay. You should carefully consider this lengthy and expensive process. Consult a tenant advocacy group or lawyer. Small claims court handles issues under $10,000. You must prove your claim and persuade a judge or jury to award you money.

Preventive Measures & Tips for a Smooth Move

Preventing damage from movers is best. Hire safe responsible movers on first place. Hence, some suggestions follow.

Research moving companies before selecting one.

Look for online reviews, moving insurance, and licensing. Request customer testimonials. Choose a company based on price and services.

Signing movers’ contracts requires careful reading. 

Know what they cover and don’t. Waiver and liability provisions should be avoided. If you’re uncomfortable, ask questions or bargain.

Pack carefully to reduce transit damage. 

Strong boxes, bubble wrap, padding, and labels. Separate and label fragile objects. Don’t overfill boxes. Pack only permitted items.

Discuss your moving concerns with your landlords.

Inform them of your move-out date and the movers’ arrival. Ask them about moving-out guidelines. Take them on a pre-and post-move walk-through to record any damage.

Supervise the movers throughout loading and unloading. 

Highlight objects that require extra care. Check for damage before signing or paying.

People Also Asked

Does renters insurance cover moving damage?

Renters insurance protects your goods and liability from theft, fire, vandalism, and other hazards. Renters insurance does not cover moving damage unless triggered by a covered risk. 

Renters insurance won’t cover a broken TV dropped by movers. If your movers start a fire, your renters’ insurance may cover your TV and other items.

As you can see, renter liability for movers’ damages is complicated. It depends on the damage, your landlord-mover contract, and your insurance. Read your lease agreement, question your landlord and mover about their coverage, and buy enough renters insurance to avoid surprises. If movers cause damage, document it, alert everyone, and seek legal help. Know if it’s cheaper to move in winter.

Brandon Pollard

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