Yes, movers can bring bed bugs into your home. To reduce the risk, choose a reputable moving company that inspects for bed bugs, inspects your belongings carefully, and discards any infested items.
Bed bugs are small, flat insects that can hitchhike on furniture, boxes, and other Bed bugs, microscopic bloodsuckers, can travel on furniture, clothing, luggage, and other items. Moving with bed bugs to your new house might produce itchy, red bites. Not to mention their removal. 1 in every 5 households in the USA is affected by bed bugs.
I’ll discuss how movers can spread bed bugs, how to keep them out, and what to do if you have moved into a house with bed bugs. Avoid these annoying pests when relocating.
How movers can bring bed bugs into your home:
You might think that bed bugs only live in dirty or run-down places, but that’s not the case. Bed bugs can be found everywhere, even in nice hotels and flats. They don’t care about cleaning or hygiene. All they care about is finding a warm body to feed on. And they are very good at staying hidden and making it through.
So how can movers bring bed bugs into your home? Well, there are several ways–
- Through infested furniture or belongings.
If your movers have touched bed bug-infested things, they could spread the bugs to your furniture or other belongings. It takes 7 weeks to grow bed bugs from larva to adult.
For example, if they move a couch that has bed bugs, they might leave some on your couch or other things that touch it.
- On their clothing or skin.
Bed bugs can also stick to your movers’ clothes or skin. They can move from person to person or from one piece of clothing to another. They can be transferring bed bugs, falling off, and hiding until they find a new host in cracks or openings.
- In their tools or equipment.
Bed bugs can also hide in things like dollies, straps, blankets, and pads that your movers use. Then, when the movers use them, they can be put on your things.
- During moving time.
Bed bugs can also get into your home when you move. Bed bugs can easily move from one place to another in moving trucks, boxes, or furniture. They can hide in these things’ seams, corners, or folds and avoid being found. They can also move from one thing in the truck or box to another.
As you can see, there are many ways for movers to bring bed bugs into your home. Because of this, you must be careful before and after you move. You don’t want bed bugs to take over your new house, right?
How to prevent movers from bringing bed bugs into your home:
So if movers bring bed bugs to your home, how can you avoid getting bed bugs from movers?
Here are some simple steps you can take–
- Inspect all furniture and belongings before they are moved.
Look for things like dark spots, stains of blood, or real bugs. Don’t move them if you find any. You can try eliminating them yourself or hire a pest control service.
- Ask movers to wear clean clothing and shoes.
Bed bugs can travel on clothes and shoes, so make sure your movers aren’t wearing anything that might have been transferring bed bugs. If you want to be extra careful, give them throwaway overalls and shoe covers.
- Inspect the movers’ tools and equipment.
Bed bugs can also hide in the boxes, bags, blankets, and other things that movers use to pack and move your things. Check them carefully and throw away or wash anything that looks wrong. Maximum bed bug treatments are done in summer.
What To Do If You Find Bed Bugs After Moving

Those annoying little creatures that can travel on your furniture and other things and make your life unhappy. Don’t worry, though; there is still hope!
Here are some ways to get rid of them so you can start enjoying your new house–
Step 1: Isolate and inspect infested rooms and furniture
If you’ve moved into a house with bed bugs, you first need to separate the rooms and pieces of furniture where bed bugs have been seen.
This means putting them in plastic bags or covering them with tape and not touching them until they have been cleaned. You must also check them closely for any still-alive bugs, bug eggs, or feces.
You can look for them in cracks, crevices, seams, and folds with a torch, a magnifying glass, or a credit card. If you find signs of bed bugs, put a sticky note or piece of tape on them.
Step 2: Contact the pest control company to treat the infestation
The next step is to contact a reliable pest control company that treats bed bugs. They will come to your house to look at the situation and give you a quote for the work.
They will also tell you how to prepare your home for treatment. For example, you may need to wash and dry all your clothes and blankets, vacuum and throw away the bag and eliminate clutter.
They will use poisons and tools made for professionals to kill the bed bugs and their eggs, and they will keep an eye on how things are going over time. From all 50 states, bed bugs were reported.
Step 3: Follow their recommendations for preparing home
The last step is to do what the pest control company tells you to do to prepare your home for treatment if you’re moving with bed bugs.
Some things may need to be moved or thrown away, others may need to be covered or sealed, and furniture may need to be rearranged. You may also need to stay away from home for a few hours or days during treatment.
You might need multiple treatments over a few weeks to eliminate all the bed bugs. You should also watch for signs of a new problem and call the pest control company immediately.
It’s scary to think about, but it’s better to know and be ready than to deal with the results later. Bed bugs aren’t just annoying; they can also make you sick and hurt your things. Because of this, you should always take precautions to lower the chance of getting bed bugs when you move. Know if landlords can forbid movers.
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